
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Will Walk For Food

Dear Layla, This afternoon you were having a snack while I sat on the couch. I was teasing you by putting one cookie on one cushion and another on a different cushion. At first, you would eat one, drop to the ground, and crawl to the other cookie. But then something amazing happened. You ate one cookie and then walked to the other cookie!! Yes, you were holding onto the couch, but it counts! I immediately got on Skype to show G-Ma and G-Pa. And when Daddy got home after bathtime, we showed him too. Here's the video:

Love, Mommy

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Daddy Gymnastics

Dear Layla, Most people don't like to belly-flop, but you have no problem with that! In this video, you used Daddy as your personal gymnastic apparatus. It was funny to everyone! Love, Mommy

Friday, April 1, 2011

Easter Pictures

Dear Layla, Happy First Easter! Love, Mommy

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