
Monday, September 24, 2012


Dear Layla,

You have been taking gymnastics classes for two months now and it shows.  You love showing off your moves.  I am so proud of what you learned.  I can tell that you are proud of yourself too.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mommy's Bed

Dear Layla,

One of your favorite books is Ten Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed.  Daddy groans every time you want to hear us read it.  One day, not to long ago, you made the connection between the book and that you could jump on the bed.  It started innocently.  I was putting laundry away in your room and you climbed into your bed.  Then you jumped and liked it.  I mean really, really liked it.  I could tell from your face that you were going to do it again, but I scooped you up and told you not to jump on the bed.

It wasn't long after that first jump that you got a little braver.  You were sitting on my bed, then stood up and started jumping around.  This time I didn't stop you.  I just told you to be careful and stay in the middle of the bed.  After all, jumping on the bed is super fun so I can understand why you wanted to do it.  You probably spent 10 minutes jumping and landing flat on your bottom.  Nono just stood at the end of the bed watching you.  I could tell that he was completely envious of you.  (Don't worry Buddy, one day you will be big enough to jump too!)

It's clear that playing on Mommy's bed is one of your favorite things.  Not only do you jump, but now we take pretend naps and I do my own version of jumping on the bed.  

But like all good Mommies say, we'll have to stop once someone pokes their eye out.
