
Thursday, March 1, 2012

All Done

Dear Layla,

One morning a few weeks ago, a radio station was talking about how restaurants and stores are starting to ban children.  They claim that children are too messy, too noisy, and too much trouble.  It might sound surprising, but I can see their point.  Kids are all those things. The key is that parents are supposed to teach their children how to behave in public places. 

To date, Daddy and I have only had to "take you outside" once.  You were 6 or 7 months old, tired, and cranky.  Daddy took you outside and walked you around the parking lot until you calmed down.  It felt like an hour, but it probably wasn't even half of that.

It's been one of my pet peeves for years now to see parents leave behind huge messes made by their children. We went out to Sunday lunch after church a few weeks ago and I saw a family leave a monster-sized mess at the table.  The worst part was the floor: it looked like the two children had thrown more food on the floor than they ate. The parents just left it there. They left it there for someone else to clean.  It just bothers me. More than once I've knelt down and wiped up things with a napkin when you've dropped food on the floor. Daddy and I have had waitresses and waiters tell us not to worry about any of your messes, but I do worry about it. I can't help it. 

Daddy and I are working really hard at teaching you how to behave at the table, especially in restaurants.  We want you to sit, not stand, in your chair. We want you to eat with your fork and spoon.  We want you to wipe your mouth and hands when you are done.  We want you to have fun and enjoy your meal. We aren't a bunch a tyrants for crying out loud! :) 

In this video you do something that I have never taught you. I don't know where you learned it, but my guess is at Mama Jane's house. It's become your after-dinner routine.  While I start cleaning the dishes, you push in all the chairs and bring me your plate.  It's cute. And, as a bonus, it's good manners. 


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