
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Foot Fight

Dear Noah,

Noah, you have always been a kicker. Even when I was pregnant with you, you were kicking.  And kicking hard.  One time you kicked so hard that my shirt moved. 

You are still kicking. Mama Jane says that you "ride a bike" all day. Ya-ya says that your legs are "always just a-going". I say that you are "running a race".  However you put it, your legs can't seem to stay still. 

There will be many times in the future that you will copy Layla, but for now, she is copying you. She has learned to splash and kick from watching you in the bathtub.  When both of you get going, I call it a foot fight.  It's kinda like the game Hungry, Hungry Hippos but with warm, soapy bath water where I need a poncho like they give to the people on the front row of the Shamu show.


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